Dawning Of Black People’s Healing by Dr. Joseph A. Bailey II

      The expression: “It is darkest before the dawn” characterizes my sense of what is now nationally going on in the Selfhoods of many Black Americans. This sense is drawn out of the atmosphere of something drastic happening, of which most are at a loss to pin-point what it is. Contributing to this sense are rumblings of USA people’s dissatisfaction and from increasing numbers of telephone calls and visits to my home from those I have not heard from in years. Yesterday, there were three from Black People between ages 30 and 45 who began the conversation: “Dr. Bailey, you’ve been on my mind and I have a need to talk with you.”


The theme of their concerns was almost identical, even though they knew nothing of each other. Almost in desperation, they struggled to find words to convey their frustration with where they are in life and the unsatisfying directions in which things are going. All said: “I have trouble sleeping at night trying to figure out what to do” and “I know what the truth feels like but I can’t find it.” To me, this marks the ending of the darkest time before the dawn of healing. From 45 years of intensive research on the Black Mind (from 200,000 BC to the present); from mentoring Black youth since the mid-1970s; and from my own adult experiences in a very hostile White society, I have the mental image of the spokes of a giant wheel meeting at the hub.


The contents in each spoke are unique but have a certain ‘sameness’-e.g. a spoke of financial struggling; a spoke of everyone seeming to be dishonorable; a spoke of unsatisfying religion; several spokes of different forms of racism and terrorism by White people; a spoke of “no Mission” and, instead, being on a treadmill. The ‘sameness’ is the negative emotions associated with  the cumulative contents of pain and suffering in each spoke. Each spoke acts like a boiling tea kettle letting off steam inside the hub of the wheel. The gist causes of these hub contents is that African American slavery was a “big bang” trauma to the Selfhoods of all Enslaved Africans. Then the post-slavery period continuing up to recently has been about layers upon layers of varied cumulative traumas necessitating most Black People cling together in clusters.


This pattern persisted until the 1960s when Black People did what it took to gain a tiny bit of freedom. Unfortunately, far too many began, in the 1970s, assimilating into Europeans’ “Trinket and Trivia” philosophies and practices while giving up the “Treasures” of African Tradition. From thus losing each other’s intimate support and from not gaining the benefits acquired by Whites (through means of the GUN) increased Black Peoples’ inner turmoil. In the process, Black People’s hopes of the gradual dispersion of the USA’s Satanism atmosphere instead reversed itself. In looking inside the hub of the wheel I see two large contributors to why Black People do not understand what is going on inside them.


One concerns the philosophies of African and European traditions. The other is the intermingling of the atmospheres of African Tradition’s Spiritual Realm with Europeans’ Supernatural Realm. Both, like oil and water, do not mix. By contrast, water and alcohol molecules dissolve into the other and the molecules are evenly mixed into engaging in a smooth dance with each other that is properly called a Solution. However, mixing oil with water means the oil does not dissolve in water because the oil particles do not divide into their separate molecules but remain in much larger particles or globules that stick together. A mixture of this kind is called an Emulsion, like those in many salad dressings. Yet, when the oil/water emulsion is violently shaken, there is some joining of the two for a while before they separate again. The oil will float on the surface of water because it is lighter.Black People will be unable to discover what they do not know to look for until they clearly understand what this “Mental Emulsion” is about. This requires knowing ancient Greek philosophy’s focus on man inside the Supernatural, excluding God and the Spiritual.


African Tradition’s principle of Healing is based on humans’ Souls being about a “God-Image Spirit/Mind” and its “life force” providing inner spiritual illumination. The state of this “life force” is one of absolute peace. “Disease” (lack of ease from an underlying illness or sickness) is that which causes disharmony to this peace. Thus, Healing is the removal of that disturbance coupled with the cultivation of the ingredients of ones own Selfhood Greatness.

For more information: www.jabaileymd.com


About Dr. Joseph Bailey

Bailey-1Joseph A. Bailey II, MD, FACS, was reared in Wilson and Greensboro, North Carolina where he became an Eagle Scout (twice). Then he attended the University of Michigan, Morehouse College, and Meharry Medical School; interned at Los Angeles County General Hospital; and as a USA Air Force captain in the Philippines was chief of the Family Practice Clinic in charge of 10,000 troops and their families. On off-duty hours he helped care for wounded soldiers flown in from Viet Nam.


Dr. Bailey’s Orthopaedic surgical training was at Hahnemann University Hospital (Philadelphia); Elizabethtown Hospital for Crippled Children (Pennsylvania); and the Hospital of Joint Diseases (New York). A Medical Genetics and Orthopaedics fellowship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center was followed by an assistant professorship at the University of Connecticut and, simultaneously, was chief of Orthopaedics at Newington Veterans Hospital in Connecticut. During this time he devised several new operations; invented orthopaedic appliances; published 35 articles for medical journals; and authored four medical textbooks–one a classic textbook on Dwarfisms; and another, a first of its kind medical-legal dictionary.


Since retiring in 2000–after 40 years in an Orthopaedic Surgery/Orthopaedic Medicine/Orthopaedic Genetics private practice–he has devoted his life to helping struggling Black Youth. This involvement has included setting up 10 Cub Scout and Boy Scout troops; founding a “Concerned Black Men” organization; donating a building for use as a Black History museum; endowing an American Humanities and African American History chair at California State University in Los Angeles; writing 32 books (designed to help Black Youth think critically and rationally in handling personal problems and thriving in life)–including a 3 volume Black History Word-Story Encyclopedia and Ancient African Bible Messages; publishing 10 articles in Black American journals on topics like Self-Esteem and Offensive Language; being a weekly columnist for Black Newspapers over 20 years; and generating a Black History website with 500+ articles.


Some of his awards include: The African Elder Chair and Humanitarian recognition. Dr. Bailey’s most outstanding contributions are discoveries: (1) concerning Dwarfism, making him a world authority; (2) on how Black Youth use their Emergency (“fight or flight”) brain on a permanent basis; (3) on probable brain generated causes of “Negro Diseases”; (4) a new teaching method for Black youth dealing with the stories of words.

 For more information: www.jabaileymd.com



One Response to Dawning Of Black People’s Healing by Dr. Joseph A. Bailey II

  1. The analogy of the emulsion is a perfect image to put forth in order for people to understand what is happening. People of color have tried to adopt and adapt to the philosophy of Europeans but as the emulsion begins to separate, Black Americans are still left with the feeling that something is just not right. We need to hear more insightful knowledge from Dr. Bailey.

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